Thursday, April 4, 2019

Traffic & other road issues!

Traffic in Groes Faen
Two years ago Cardiff Council gave a planning consent for 10,000 new homes around Creigiau and St Fagans.  Pontyclun Community Council and RCT Council objected to this planning application arguing that the resulting flow of traffic through Groes Faen to Junction 34 would cause huge disruption. The Planning Inspectorate and Cardiff Council did not respond to our objections.
Groes Faen residents are already feeling the impact as construction traffic adds to the flow of traffic through the village. RCT Councillor Margaret Griffiths and Community Councillor Carole Willis have been working with residents to make the case for safety measures on the road through their village. They called a public meeting and are working with residents to make the case for a pelican crossing, mini roundabouts and cameras which record average speeds.
We are continuing to meet the RCT Director of Highways and we are pressing for extra expenditure on these projects.  

Mayhem on Heol Miskin
All of us attempting to get in and out of Pontyclun along Heol Miskin will know that there are two sets of traffic lights with one way traffic at each.
The first piece of work is to make good the retaining wall that prevents the road from sliding down the hill into River Ely. It was last year that this wall was assessed as being at risk of slipping away.  RCT Council has commissioned contractors to repair the stone retaining wall - a three month project costing over £100,000 It is a nuisance but the work is essential.

Wall repairs at Heol Miskin

The second piece of work is the up grading of the main gas pipe as it joins all the new gas pipes on the Hendy where residents have spent the last year watching the new gas pipes being ‘moled’ under the pavement. I have asked why these two pieces of work are being done at the same time. I was told that one period of disruption may be better than two separate periods.

Road works at Heol Miskin

Safe Walking Routes in Pontyclun
Last year Pontyclun Community Council submitted a series of proposals which would make walking through Pontyclun safer. Following two rounds of public consultation  RCT Council has bid for money from Welsh Government to:
·         Introduce an island in the middle of Cowbridge road near the War Memorial.
·         Move the bus stop from Tescos to the Masonic Hall and construct a new bus shelter making access to busses easier for wheel chair and pram users.
·         Introducing dropped kerbs at several crossing points.
·         Introducing a 20 mph zone around the Primary School, around the Cowbridge Road shops and on Station Terrace.
I thank everyone who has participated in the consultation. As a result several detailed amendments have been made to the scheme which will be implemented during the next year.

Community Council Budget
Due to increases in employment and energy costs the Council has agreed to increase its annual budget from £113,410 to £118,480. The average cost to a household for the Community Council will increase from £32.50 to £34.20. Our expenditure will include the provision of Pontyclun Park, Café 50, public toilets, the car park, Ivor woods, 24 miles of footpaths, summer flowers, Christmas lights, grants to local groups, summer and Christmas festivals. Our full budget can be found on I think the Community Council gives very good value. I would welcome your comments and suggestions on our budget.

Council Tax
A recent report by Cardiff University shows that council budgets in Wales, apart from schools and social services, have fallen by over 40% since 2010, due to the cuts in public expenditure by the UK Government. The number of jobs in Welsh local government has decreased by over 20,000. We have fewer libraries, leisure centres, day centres, litter pickers, rubbish collectors, road menders etc etc. And still people blame the Council for every shortcoming.

Pontyclun Volunteers
Partly as a response to council cuts we rely ever more on the army of volunteers. Each week our own Environment Group and young Duke of Edinburgh volunteers are out picking litter.
A resident was complaining about council workers not removing the fly tipping outside the bedsits at the bottom of School Street. I joined the volunteers and removed the rubbish.

Rubbish in street

Dog Poo!
We all love dogs and all dog owners who pick up dog poo. Residents in Miskin have asked that I remind dog owners of their legal duty to pick up dog poo and bin the plastic bag. If you don’t, you risk a fine. You will certainly lose the friendship of your neighbours.

Pontyclun Road Runners
Congratulations to Pontyclun Road Runners who have organised an amazing ‘Couch to 5k’ programme over the past two months. Hundreds of residents have been introduced to running for the first time.
I have been a participant with the road runners from their very beginning three years ago. The organisers have been inspiring and I am pleased that the Community Council has been able to help with the cost of training ‘coaches’.
Margaret and I do the weekly 5k Park Run at Porthcawl. Margaret has the support of the plastic knees inserted by our wonderful NHS. We recommend running for all – this is a photo of our run in the Christmas sunshine.

Paul and Margaret Griffith's Christmas outfits

Paul Griffiths
Pontyclun Community Council

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